The Underlying Logic: How to See the Essence of Things by Liu Run

Liu Run’s The Underlying Logic – How to See the Essence of Things provides a thoughtful exploration of how to view the world by uncovering the hidden principles that shape our lives and businesses. Through clear frameworks and practical examples, Liu teaches readers how to approach problems and decisions with deeper clarity. Here are some key insights from the book:

Three Perspectives on Right and Wrong

Liu highlights three distinct lenses through which people view right and wrong:


1. Legal perspective: What is legal is considered right, as it follows the rules established by society or a legislative body.

2. Economic perspective: Right or wrong are defined by efficiency and profit maximization.

3. Businessman perspective: Businesspeople often judge decisions based on outcomes; success validates what is right


When referring to these perspectives, readers learn that the concept of “right” is fluid and varies depending on the context, allowing for more nuanced decision-making.

Logical Approach to Problem Solving

The book emphasizes a structured way of thinking to approach challenges:

  • Why: Start by understanding the root cause behind the issue.
  • Your Opinion: Form your own view based on logical reasoning and available data.
  • Express It: Clearly communicate your thoughts, ensuring they are understood by others.

Personal Growth: Life as a Business Model

Liu equates personal evolution to a business model with three critical components. By thinking of life as a business model, readers can continuously improve by focusing on these three areas, using leverage to achieve exponential growth.


  1. Ability: Your knowledge, skills, and capabilities.
  2. Efficiency: How well you use time and resources to achieve results.
  3. Leverage: External resources or connections that multiply your efforts.

Empathy: Understanding Others’ Logic

Understanding others’ motivations, perspectives, and emotional needs is key to successful relationships, both in business and personal life. Liu stresses the importance of empathy and perspective-taking, allowing you to navigate interpersonal dynamics more effectively.

Social Cooperation

Liu highlights that societies function through collaboration, and understanding the underlying logic of cooperation allows individuals and organizations to maximize their contribution and benefit from mutual success. Identifying shared interests and building trust is fundamental to establishing productive partnerships.

In The Underlying Logic – How to See the Essence of Things, Liu equips readers with the mental tools to discern what truly matters in any situation. By breaking down complex ideas into actionable insights, the book encourages its audience to think critically, grow continuously, and act wisely, all while maintaining an understanding of how to cooperate with others.


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