Empowering Digital Future: The LARUS Foundation

The LARUS Foundation, established in 2018 and based in Hong Kong, is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering a globally empowered digital future. The foundation’s mission revolves around promoting universal Internet education and equipping stakeholders, especially students and academics, with the necessary knowledge to actively participate in shaping the Internet’s future.

Empowering Through Internet Education

One of the core objectives of the LARUS Foundation is to provide comprehensive education on Internet governance. The foundation conducts a variety of seminars aimed at demystifying Internet infrastructure and governance. By doing so, they empower participants with a practical understanding of how the Internet operates and the various policies that govern it. This education is crucial as it enables students and academics to engage meaningfully in policy-making forums and discussions.

Active Participation in Internet Governance

The LARUS Foundation places a strong emphasis on involving more voices in the molding of the Internet. They support participation in policy-making forums conducted by Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), such as APNIC, ARIN, RIPE NCC, LACNIC, and AFRINIC. By providing the necessary resources and support, the foundation ensures that a diverse range of stakeholders can contribute to these critical discussions. This inclusive approach helps shape a more equitable and representative Internet.

Continuing Education and Technical Support

As the Internet continues to evolve, so too do the educational needs of those who interact with it. The LARUS Foundation recognizes this and is committed to providing ongoing expert and technical knowledge about Internet infrastructure. This support is designed to ensure that all stakeholders remain informed about the latest developments and best practices in the field of Internet governance and technology.

Our Commitment to Digital Future

The overarching goal of the LARUS Foundation is to help the entire Internet community achieve an empowered digital future. By focusing on education, active participation, and continuous learning, the foundation plays a pivotal role in shaping an Internet that is inclusive, equitable, and reflective of a broad spectrum of voices.

For more information on the LARUS Foundation and their initiatives, visit the official website.


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